Legal notices

The Council of Europe portal and the websites which are linked to it are intended to provide public access to information on the aims, activities and achievements of the Council of Europe in general.

The Council of Europe declines to accept any responsibility for the content of those sites. The information which they contain

  • is solely of a general nature and does not refer to the specific situation of any individual or legal entity
  • is not necessarily complete, exhaustive, accurate or up to date
  • occasionally refers to external sites over which the Council of Europe has no control and in respect of which it declines to accept any responsibility
  • does not constitute a professional or legal opinion

It is not possible to guarantee that a document available on line faithfully reproduces an officially adopted text, because it does not constitute an official publication

While it cannot guarantee that there are no errors on its site, the Council of Europe does endeavour, where appropriate, to correct those that are drawn to its attention. The Council of Europe reserves the right to deny, at its sole discretion, any user whatsoever access to the Site or to a part thereof.

Protection of personal data

The Council of Europe is committed to respect for private life. Its policy on protection of personal data is founded on Secretary General’s Regulation of 17 April 1989 outlining a data protection system for personal data files in the Council of Europe.

Most pages of the Council of Europe site require no personal information except in certain cases to allow requests for on-line services to be met. In such cases, the information is processed in accordance with the Confidentiality policy described below.


Where a user connects to the site, certain of his/her particulars, such as Internet digital address (IP), navigation round the site, software used, time spent and other like data are stored on the Council of Europe servers. These items do not specifically identify the user. The information is only put to internal use, for purposes of analysing the traffic on the site.

Any personal information, such as name, electronic or postal address or other information, which may be supplied when completing the forms stored on this site, is not made available to the public, or disclosed or sold to third parties. The Council of Europe retains the data only for as long as needed for their processing and for the purpose to which consent has implicitly been given. Beyond that, the information is not re-used.
Conversely, the Council of Europe accepts no responsibility as regards the security of the information in question – this policy covers all Council of Europe websites.

Reproduction of material

Unless otherwise indicated, reproduction of material posted on Council of Europe websites, and reproduction of photographs for which the Council of Europe holds copyright – see legal notice “photo credits” – is authorised for private use and for informational and educational uses relating to the Council of Europe’s work. This authorisation is subject to the condition that the source be indicated and no charge made for reproduction.
Persons wishing to make some other use than those specified above, including commercial use, of information and text posted on these sites are asked to apply for prior written authorisation to the Council of Europe, Directorate of Communication.

Failure to comply with these mandatory conditions will render the offender and any other person responsible, liable to the criminal and civil penalties provided for in law.