Project 2008-2011
Language Associations and Collaborative Support
Medium-term project (2008-2011)
Project working languages: English, French, German
Thematic strand: Plurilingual education
Expected results and output: new development, ‘how to’ manual
Target audience for the activities planned within the project:
- teachers working as multipliers in networks;
- teacher educators;
- decision-makers: school managers, policy makers.
Target audience for the project results:
- teacher educators;
- teachers' associations;
- decision-makers: school managers; policy makers.
Sector of education focussed on:
- pre-school;
- primary school;
- lower and upper secondary school;
- vocationally oriented schools;
- colleges, universities;
- teacher education;
- adult education, workplace;
- continuing education;
- educational media;
- school managers, policy makers.