Mediation Tool

Which aspects of an activity or project might be used?  Which might need to be adapted first? 

Flexible adaptation of different projects

Projects can be so flexible that they can be adapted in different ways, with use being made of different aspects to different degrees. FREPA/CARAP (A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches) has a long history with ECML, and has been used in a variety of ways in many different countries. Here is a link to a page that connects to a range of different national pages, each offering a presentation of pluralistic approaches and of FREPA, as well as an analysis of the relevance of pluralistic approaches for each context and contacts, announcements or reports of events, and also links to publications. Translations, partial or complete, of FREPA descriptors, and of certain documents are available in many languages, sometimes non-European languages.

Some project websites include examples of classroom activities that, despite not necessarily using the project tools themselves, offer practical illustrations of the thinking behind the project. For example, the videos on the MARILLE (Majority language instruction as basis for plurilingual education) website show a range of ways in which majority language classrooms can be enriched by pluralistic approaches. Further examples can be found here.

In this video lecture, we learn how the ELP (European Language Portfolio) has been adapted for the Irish context.

Some projects contain so many downloadable resources that they can easily be taken ‘off the shelf’ and used in classrooms as a one-off or integrated into schemes of work. CONBAT+ (Content based teaching plurilingual/cultural awareness) is an excellent example of this. For those who wish to use it more systematically, there is also a training kit and links to other resources which explore the pedagogical approach in more depth. EPLC (Content-based teaching for young learners) also contains resources to support teaching of CLIL in primary schools.

Providing flexible content to support teachers to use ICT 

The relevance of DOTS (Developing Online Teaching Skills) in 17 different countries has been described in a series of video clips and in a range of languages.

In this short video, we hear how DOTS (Developing Online Teaching Skills) was adapted for teachers in Croatia through selecting two of the tools first and discussing their potential use.

The resources page on the MORE DOTS website is a useful tool for supporting teachers to select which aspects of ICT to use in the classroom.


Providing flexible content to support teachers to adapt projects related to the CEFR

In the CEF-ESTIM (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - level estimation grid for teachers) project, both the grid and the description form can be used as reference documents for teacher educators responsible for ITE and/or CPD, but may first need to be adapted to the local context. See the grid and description form as well as examples of how it might be used to organize a school trip to London and make a flyer, as well as to prepare for job interviews.

One obvious way in which resources from the ECML projects might be adapted is to translate the key parts into other languages. The ELP (European Language Portfolio) has been translated into many languages, though gaining copyright clearance can be problematic in some countries. See here.

Project websites contain useful resources which can be downloaded and used for training purposes. For example, on the AYLLIT (Assessment of Young Learner Literacy, linked to the CEFR) website, you will find sample scripts illustrating levels of writing.

Teachers in Ireland developed different classroom activities inspired by the ELP (European Language Portfolio), such as those promoting self-assessment, use of target language etc: see video (at 9min 23 sec).

Sometimes, imagination will be needed to find a way of using valuable materials even if something is missing. In this ELP-WSU (The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use) case study from Norway, the problem was the lack of a digital ELP. The school’s ELP experience goes back to 2004, when it became compulsory to use the ELP in all foreign language classes. The school has also participated in the piloting of ELP models under development. Nevertheless, a consistent whole-school approach is still not in place. Some teachers have been uncomfortable with the ELP and wanted the freedom to decide whether or not to use it. Pupils at the school already hand in most of their written work digitally, so the lack of a digital version of the ELP has been a disadvantage. However, teachers have worked out a way of using the ELP digitally, and this will provide a basis for future work. See case study from Norway.

Adapting EPOSTL to different contexts

In Canada, CASLT (Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers) created a portfolio inspired by EPOSTL (European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages) as well as a range of other publications and resources.

An aspect of the EPOSTL (European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages) project that can be used first when working with student teachers is the personal statement . A case study of how it has been used in Finland can be found on page 45 of the publication which can be downloaded here. Similarly, an example of how the use of the Dossier has been implemented in Sweden can be found in the same publication on page 55. This publication contains other case studies of use of aspects of EPOSTL2 (Piloting and implementing the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages).

You can find examples of bi- and plurilingual projects in Val d’Aoste and Perpignan, related to regional/minority languages, using the EBP-IC (Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-/plurilingual education) project here.