Nicole Thibault


Nachname Thibault
Vorname Nicole
Korrespondenz-Adresse E-mail
Staatsangehörigkeit Britisch
Mitgliedschaften in Bildungsnetzwerken und Verbänden

Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE)
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)
Canadian Association of Immersion Teachers (CAIT)
American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)
American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Société pour la promotion de l’enseignement de l’anglais au Québec (SPEAQ)
Ontario Principals Council (OPC)
Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)
Angaben zum Beruf

Derzeitiger Beruf oder Position















 2003-Present   Executive Director 
                         Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)

 2000 – 2003   Seconded Professor University of Ottawa 
                     Teacher Education Program, Faculty of Education
                     Teaching of Social Studies, Geography and History

2000- 2003      Education Officer (contractual)
                      Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)
                      Ontario Agri-Food Education, Inc. (OAFE)
1999- 2000     Vice Principal, Merivale Public School
                     Ottawa Carleton District School Board
1995-98         Educational Consultant  
                    Ontario Agri-Food Education, Inc. (OAFE)
1994-95         Special Assignment Teacher – Curriculum Leader
1991-92         Social Studies, Language Arts, FSL 
                     Program Department, Carleton Board of Education


Coordinator for International Languages Program and Instructor Professional Development
Carleton Board of Education

1992-94     Core French and EFI Classroom Teacher
1987-91      Parkwood Hills PS, Fallingbrook CES, Blossom Park PS,
                 Carleton Board of Education
Wichtigste Tätigkeiten und









  • 2003-Present Executive Director, Canadian Assoc. of Second language Teachers Provide leadership and coordinate operations for the association. Responsible for guiding volunteer Board of Directors though the strategic and governance planning and management of the association. Lead the external relations and partnerships, project and program development and management. Facilitate annual networking events between provincial and federal partner groups, pan-Canadian volunteer representatives. Prepare grant proposals. Supervise and evaluate staff. Network with membership, government supporters, and national partners. Develop advocacy, membership, PD and resource development and communications plans.
  • 2003-Present Executive Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Modern Language Review  The CMLR is a peer-reviewed journal in the area of second language acquisition and methodology. Invited member to provide guidance and direction in the areas of marketing, advertising, and promotion for the struggling journal.
Name des Arbeitgebers  Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)
Land, in dem die Funktion ausgeübt wird  Canada
Schul- und Berufsbildung  

Relevante Qualifikationen, Ausbildung










2005-2008  Certified Association Executive (CAE) Designation – Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE)
  • Association Leadership, Change, Strategy & Structure
  • Association Membership Services
  • Association Operations I (Operations Support)
  • Association Operations II (Products & Services)
  • Developments in Association Management
1999-2000     Principal Qualification Course & Training Internship
                   University of Ottawa, Ottawa Carleton District School Board
1998         Honours Specialist - Society: Challenge & Change / Contemporary  Studies,   University of Ottawa
1994   Specialist – Computers in Education University of Ottawa
1987   Bachelor of Education, Ontario Teacher’s Certificate Primary, Junior, Intermediate Qualifications.


Weitere  Sprachen

Expertise auf dem Gebiet des eingereichten Projektes

Erfahrung im Fachgebiet  
Erfahrung im Fachgebiet  
