What is it about?

The project will mediate between ECML projects and language teacher associations and other networks at regional and national levels to those who can benefit: teachers, learners and policy makers. It will raise awareness of existing projects and seek to motivate people to adapt them to their local environment in order to facilitate widespread impact on learning and teaching.


Dissemination is the key word when it comes to bridging the gap between ECML projects/publications and the implementation of the material in practice. Experience shows that experts from member states needed sustained support from the ECML in order to fully develop their multiplying function. This project will target regional ECML multipliers in order to build up, support and sustain regional networks engaging in, adapting and implementing the results of ECML work, paving the way from innovation to sustainability. National Contact Points and teacher associations play a key role in this project. 

Diese Seiten sind das Ergebnis des Projekts "Sprachennetzwerke stärken: Tools für die Mediation (LACS)", das im Rahmen des „Lernen durch Sprachen“-Programms des EFSZ durchgeführt wurde.

English and German

Projektzeitraum:​ 2012-2015

Zielpublikum für die Projektaktivitäten 

  • Lehrende
  • LehrerfortbildnerInnen
  • EntscheidungsträgerInnen: Lehrplanverantwortliche
  • Nationale Kontaktstellen und nationale Nominierungsbehörden des EFSZ
  • Sprachlehrerverbände, Lehrerfortbildungsinstitute, Mitglieder von anderen Verbänden, wie z. B. das Professional Network Forum und das International Network of National Language Centres (INNLAC)

Project working pages

Go to the project working pages
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Project team

Terry Lamb  (coordinator)
United Kingdom

Daniel Xerri

Sigurborg Jónsdóttir

Nadezhda Doychinova