
Expert meeting, 19-20 April 2011

Expert meeting, 8-9 March 2010

Expert meeting March 2010

 The Expert Meeting was an opportunity to meet our new team member, Marianne Hepp, President of IDV. We are very fortunate that she has been able to join us given her major responsibilities in IDV. The meeting focused largely on how to build on the successful Workshop which had taken place in December 2009. This had engendered great enthusiasm, and we hope to draw on this for our publication, which will be an online ‘handbook’ of guidance for language teacher associations. Hopefully this will support their work in disseminating innovative practice such as that which is developed in ECML projects. We will be asking our many contacts to contribute to this – all responses welcome! (Please take a look at the relevant website sections and let us know if you have something to contribute.) Finally, we looked to the future, and our opportunities to disseminate the LACS project through conferences and meetings, and we also looked forward to meeting our new fellow, Tatjana Atanasoska.

We had a very fruitful workshop, Dec. 10 - 11. Before we can present the outcomes of the workshop, please find attached a list of workshop participants (countries, name, e-mail, associations, publications)




Workshop in Graz, 10-11 December 2009

Information for workshop participants



Expert meeting at the ECML, 16-17 April 2009



Terry Lamb has produced a powerpoint with the initial findings of the questionnaire and also a clear overview of the project.

In this one he covers the role of the background drivers, FIPLV and ECML


April 2008

During the intial discussions in April, we considered ways of mapping the work of language teacher associations through questionnaires and here is the letter sent with the questionnaire. In the letter itself, you will find a direct link to the questionnaire.  The letter sent to the association is in the three working languages, but as this is the English page, the other two languages have been removed - but can be seen on the relevant pages.

Letter of introduction

Dear colleagues,
Liebe Kolleginnen, Liebe Kollegen,
Chères et chers Collègues,
We do hope you are well and have some time to spare to read this email.  We would like you to consider the possibility of cooperating in the LACS project (Language Associations and Collaborative Support), which FIPLV, FIPF and IDV jointly submitted to the ECML in Graz and which has been accepted. You will be interested to know that the working languages are English, German and French, the first ECML project to run in three languages.
The project will focus on developing support for association work and on dissemination of ECML activities. You can read more about the LACS project and about the planned workshop for you in May 2009 at the following website: //
To start with, we kindly ask you to fill in the short questionnaire which is attached. Please complete and return to me at by Monday 21 July.
We hope that our work will bring benefits to you, your colleagues and your classrooms.
Terry Lamb, President FIPLV, and the project team
Sigurborg Jónsdóttir (FIPLV)
Lucka Pristavec (IDV)
Janina Zielinska (FIPF)
9-10 April 2008 

Expert meeting at the ECML

Lacs group photo




The first meeting of the expert group took place 9 – 10 April 2008. The main objectives of the project were explored in some detail. The aim of the project is to add value to the work of the ECML, of FIPLV and of the individual language teacher association which are affiliated to FIPLV, through disseminating ECML projects as well as collaboratively exploring effective dissemination practices and other roles of language teacher associations.


Initial discussions took place on the following issues: 

  • The ECML programme and the range of audiences (teachers, teacher trainers, policy makers etc).
  • Ways of mapping the work of language teacher associations through questionnaires and face-to-face discussions.
  • The use of the project website to inform people about the project itself and as a platform for the work of the project team.
  • The key concepts which relate to the project.