Janina Zielinska


Janina Zielinska
Surname Zielinska
First name Janina
Address for correspondenc e-mail
Nationality Polish
Affiliation with educational networks
Vice-Chair of World Federation for French Teacher Associations:
Fédération internationale des professeurs de français (FIPF)
Honorary President of Polish Association of Teachers of French (PROF-EUROPE)
Member of Executive Committee of Poland-France Association
Member of Executive Committee of Association Alliance française -Varsovie
President of Commission for Central and Eastern Europe (CECO-FIPF)
President of Polish Association of Teachers of French (PROF-EUROPE) - 1996-2004
Member of Executive Committee of the international association: Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity (EDILIC)
Representative for European Affairs of World Federation for French Teacher Associations (FIPF)
Representative on the OING/INGO Conference at the Council of Europe of World Federation for French Teacher Associations (FIPF)
Educational networks:
National coordinator for the In-Service Teacher Training Regional Coordinators Team (COFRAN) in cooperation with the National In-Service Teacher Training Agency (CODN) and the French Embassy
Member of the coordinators team for the Polish European Portfolio project
Member of the international team, coordinator of the project in French Teacher Training College – JA-LING – Socrates Comenius 2.1
Project team member for the international project ‘Janua Linguarum - The gateway to languages. The introduction of language awareness into the curriculum’ for the Council of Europe at the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, 2000-2003
Coordinator for Socrates-Erasmus in French Teacher Training College
Member of the Council for Teacher Education set up by the Minister of Education
Member of Polish Committee for European Year (2000-2001)
Member of the coordinators team for the Comenius 1 projects (1993-2003)
Curricula designer – Programme for French Students (secondary school)
Director of Studies – Workshop 15B for the Council of Europe, 1997
Coordinator or member of coordination teams for teacher training workshops in Poland, Austria, France, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg
Work information

Occupation or position currently held


Senior Lecturer

Name of employer


University of Warsaw

Country of employment


Education and training
Relevant qualifications or training
MA in French Study (Roman studies in University of Warsaw), post graduate study in France for teacher trainers (BELC, one year), several post graduate courses in methodology in teaching foreign languages in France, Poland, Luxemburg, England (Pilgrims, Canterbury), two-year course for educators, courses for pedagogy of exchanges, new technology in education, teachers supervision, young learners teaching and learning, intercultural and plurilingual education, educational management.
Deputy director of Warsaw University Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education 1998-2007, Head of University College of French, 1990-2007.
Languages of communication
Mother tongue
Other languages of communication
 French, English, German, Spanish, Russian
Contribution to the project
Very good expertise in working with teacher associations, especially with teachers of French (see functions in executive committees of different associations)
Experience in work with the ECML (participant of several seminars and workshops in Graz, member of coordinating teem for the ECML project ‘Janua Linguarum - The gateway to languages. The introduction of language awareness into the curriculum’ 2000-2003, coordinator of the ECML workshop in Poland (national event: TrainEd – Former les formateurs d’enseignants/Training Teacher Educators) in 2005
Experience in work with the Council of Europe (Director of Studies – Workshop 15B for the Council of Europe in Poland, 1997, Representative on the OING/INGO Conference at the Council of Europe of World Federation for French Teacher Associations (FIPF)